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Dar Al Maarif Research and Statistics launches new study on security and hope industry in Shabwa governorate

12 Sep 2018 0 2280

Dar Al-Ma’aref  for Research and Statistics launched a new community study under the title of ” Creating Security and Hope in Shabwa “. This was on the margin of the creation of the Shabwani elite forces which started its work in Radoom directorate in 2017 after extensive coordination, organization and training since 2016, Then was the extend to four other districts are Mifah and al-Rawda and Haban and finally al-Sa’aed in 2018.

Dar. Abdullah Salem bin Ghaouth, director al-Dar , insured that the study, which targeted 6 directorates (Ataq / Mayfah / Habban / Rawda / al-Sa’aed / Radoom), general aims to:

Evaluate citizens’ satisfaction with the security situation and security incidents in particular, according to age group, gender, in addition to citizen opinion on the prevalence of harmful behaviors by district, age group and gender.

As well as determining the proportion of citizens’ satisfaction with counter-terrorism measures by district, age group and gender.

Assess the citizens’ feelings about the issues of tribal revenge and possible solutions, and compare them by districts, age group and gender.

The study,  which included 602 people, found that the majority of the study participants feel that the security situation is generally stable (71.8%). Where 73.9% feel that the phenomenon of shooting randomly is very low, especially during weddings (65.8%). The majority (70.4%) also confirm that the phenomenon of carrying weapons has disappeared. While a very poor proportion of the citizens (8.3%) in Ataq (provincial capital) feel the stability of security, which is explained by the disruption of security conditions in areas not subjected to the Shabwani elite.

In addition, only 34% of the study participants feel that drug abuse is widespread, 33.1% feel of the spread of drug dealers, and only 39.3% feel that alcohol is rampant while about one-third of the participants in this study reserve a specific opinion about these behavioral phenomena. The thing that make information about these phenomena is still not clear!

The study indicated that the majority of the sample members in Habban (96.7%), Radoom (99%) and al-Rawda (97.7%) reported that no terrorist acts occurred during the three months preceding the study, while only 15% of the same sample of the study in Ataq reported that no terrorist acts recorded. Which indicates that the terrorist acts still occur from time to time in the directorate of Ataq (the capital of the province), which is a directorate which does not exist in its cities Shabwani elite.

The study pointed to many conclusions that highlighted the stability of the security situation in general, and that the phenomenon of carrying weapons in public places disappeared, which gives hope for stability. At the level of the directorates, the prevalence of carrying arms in public places has been recorded doubly in the directorate of Ataq , as it is the only directorate in which the citizens recorded a pessimistic view of all types of security incidents, especially assassinations and kidnapping of individuals, not to mention robbery of land and public property.

The study was concluded with several conclusions, the most important one is the necessity to continue the security procedures  implemented by the Shabwani elite in the departments of Mif’ha, Redoom, Habban and Al-Rawda, and strengthening them in al-Sa’eed and applying them in the rest of Shabwa directorates in general. Also building a security system for the city of Ataq, as well as monitoring and expanding the experience of preventing the carrying of weapons in public places, major cities and government institutions in all districts, including the city of Ataq.

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